Service Categories

AES personnel are trained for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). For the past 25 years, occasionally we have been subcontracted to support Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Resource Management projects. AES is experienced in preparing Environmental Assessment (EA); Forest/Energy Resource Management reports; Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) reports; and preparing Categorical Exclusions (CE) reports containing biological and archeological assessments for state and federal departments.

At AES our senior staff has more than 32 years of direct hands-on experience in preparing and reviewing various types of permit applications related to air quality, water quality, and hazardous waste operations. Our services include review of operational scenarios, flexibility and applicable requirements for any major industrial or public source. We have experience in siting new facilities, non-compliance issues, and enforcement of violations taken by federal or local agencies in Arizona and the Southwest. Our engineers are familiar with operation and technologies of equipment commonly used for controlling air emissions or wastewater discharges. At Applied EnviroSolutions, customer service is a top priority and our staffs strive to understand your operational goals while meeting a continuous compliance cost-effectively. Typical services include:

AES has provided comprehensive consulting services in all air quality fields since 1994. Our senior staffs gained experience by previously working for state and county regulatory agencies. They are ready to offer a summary of applicable requirements and up-to-date engineering solutions for a client’s needs. A few typical services provided, include:
Other past services included: design of custom-made databases for permit, compliance tracking program, emission inventory reports, risk management plans, emergency plans, pollution prevention plans, related regulatory reporting for preparation of State Implementation Plan (SIP), exceptional event analyses, effectiveness of ambient monitoring system and network, visibility impairment and projection, proposal for rulemaking, and expert witness testimony.

We pride ourselves for successfully completing more than a thousand water/wastewater inspection projects related to industrial, public, and municipal sources in Arizona. A few of these projects are listed below:

AES has sufficient resources and qualified staff for providing comprehensive environmental site assessment and testing related to hazardous waste remediation. The staffs are familiar with government rules and grants available for contaminated properties (e.g. brownfields) and the State Assurance Fund (SAF) applications for leaking underground storage tanks (LUST). AES can provide a free initial meeting to discuss compliance status and related requirements and cost estimates.
We have reviewed, conducted and supported the following types of services for multiple sites related to large power plants, airports, governmental and commercial properties:
Please also see the related pages for more information.

During the past 25 years, AES has assisted many sources with their needs for a comprehensive monitoring and modeling projects. Our staffs are trained and knowledgeable about the latest monitoring instruments, latest modeling software, remote control and networking, and continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). We have used EPA certified and complex models for wide area projects and State implementation Plan (SIP) development/report. Below is a list of recent modeling projects that have been reviewed or prepared:
Please also see attached fields for more information.

During the past 25 years, AES has provided full sampling and testing services to analyze air, water and soil contaminants at various phases and adverse locations. Staffs are trained and certified by the regulatory agencies for conducting your testing projects, in a prompt and most cost-effective method. Our samplers are educated, trained, and certified for each test method provided. They are knowledgeable about latest US EPA, NIOSH, OSHA, ASTM, ADHS, and ADEQ test methods related to our services. Our services include a free preliminary meeting to discuss cost-effective options; prepare test plan for sampling and analyze testing results obtained; prepare clear and professional reports, and final support to make sure client’s goals are met. AES staff is specialized in the following areas:
Please also see the related pages for indoor Air Quality testing.

Our Phase I reports are prepared per the latest ASTM standard, considering client’s site specific requirements. Our certified inspectors have extensive qualifications to conduct a survey of any complex contaminated site. Additionally, our inspectors have been trained for identify presence or testing of vapor intrusion, asbestos, lead-based paint, or mold that may be encountered during a Phase I survey. This option provides great advantage to a client that has short amount of time and intends to save in overall project costs.
We offer customized site assessments including basic Transaction Screen and standard ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. AES is fully prepared to support additional site investigation (Phase II) or clean up (Phase III) services in case it is requested. Our staffs or associates are pre-qualified by the regulatory agencies for removing leaking underground storage tanks (LUST); hazardous waste spills; “Brownfields” clean up and risk based analyses; and search for available governmental funding allocated for re-development projects.
All assessments, inspections and reports are prepared by Environmental Professionals (Per US EPA definition) to meet client’s deadlines and budget. Our company is licensed, insured and bonded to protect our client’s concerns regarding possible liabilities. Please see below for the types of clients served:
For Phase II Assessments and Phase III Remediation, please see the Hazardous Waste Services page.

Our firm has extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in identification and analyses of possible risks associated with pollutants and possible sources in a building. Typically, these services supervised by a CIH and include a site visit, historical data review, chemicals used, sampling and testing, pollutant and risk analyses, equipment performance evaluations, and recommendations for possible repair or abatement.
AES staffs are familiar with the guidelines and standard operating procedures recommended by OSHA, NIOSH and other professional organizations. We use NVLAP, AIHA accredited and other certified labs for all of our analyses. A few of the most common pollutants and their related testing include:

During the last 25 years, several hundred asbestos, lead-based paints, and mold related projects have been successfully completed, nationally and internationally by AES staffs. The staffs are certified industrial hygienist and well familiar with US OSHA/EPA/HUD requirements including the latest standards and rules. AES owns many advanced instruments (e.g. GC, thermal & moisture scanning, XRF and PID) that allow its staff to provide none-destructive, prompt, and cost-effective testing protocols. Typical service categories include:
Please also see attached pages for more information on indoor and outdoor monitoring/testing.

Our firm has extensive background in providing a wide range of customized health and safety services to its clients worldwide. Services are provided by certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH and CSP), conducted per federal requirements (OSHA, ACA and MSHA) or per professional standards (set by NIOSH, AIHA and ASHRAE). They were included:
Training classes are designed to meet applicable regulatory requirements and client’s specific needs with respect to flexible schedule at their location. Training is provided by experienced instructors that demonstrate real world examples and using various interactive computer and PowerPoint presentation.

Our firm has extensive background in providing a wide range of customized health and safety services to its clients worldwide. Services are provided by certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH and CSP), conducted per federal requirements (OSHA, ACA and MSHA) or per professional standards (set by NIOSH, AIHA and ASHRAE). They were included:
Training classes are designed to meet applicable regulatory requirements and client’s specific needs with respect to flexible schedule at their location. Training is provided by experienced instructors that demonstrate real world examples and using various interactive computer and PowerPoint presentation.