Teaming Opportunities
A highly qualified staff combined with extensive experience in environmental and health services makes AES a valuable partner for teaming on major projects. At AES, we believe that strong partnerships can produce better results for everyone - especially our clients. We continuously strive to build stronger relationships with industry leaders and look for new partners who provide complementary value to ours. Companies interested in teaming with AES are encouraged to review our website to determine how our company’s capabilities can add value to a proposed project.
Large Businesses
Large firms seeking broader geographical coverage or greater technical diversity can depend on AES to provide our knowledge, expertise and local staffing resources to enhance the team. We are certified as a DBE, SBE and SDWOB by the government agencies, in addition to US GSA pre-qualified contracts. At AES, we are very motivated and capable of fulfilling specialized tasks within the scope of environmental assessments (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) projects.
Small Businesses
AES encourages association and subcontracting with individuals and businesses with high skills. We often seek to partner with firms that can enhance our capabilities and competitiveness in securing and completing major projects such as biological or archeological reports.
Certifications & Awards
- US General Services Administration (GSA), multiple environmental contracts
- US department of Transportation and City of Phoenix, For Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) and Women Owned Disadvantage Small Business (WODSB)
- US Small Business Administration (SBE)
- State of Arizona Registrar of Contractors
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Certified Water & Waste Water Operator
- Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Water Sampling
- Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), Inspector, management and Contractor / Supervisor
Memberships & Environmental Agencies
- AZAEP | Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals
- AMC | Arizona Manufacturers Council
- American IAQ Council | Indoor Air Quality
- AWMA | Air and Waste Management Association
- IAQA | Indoor Air Quality Association, Phoenix Chapter
- AIChE | American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- EPAZ | Environmental Professionals of Arizona
- IPEP | Institute of Professional Environmental Practices
- SAEMS | Southern Arizona Environmental Management Society
- US EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- ADEQ | Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
- In January 2011 AES was an Exhibitor in the AWMA’s Electric Utilities Environmental Conference (EUEC). Also presented our work titled Cumulative Air Impact Analyses for Permian Basin: involving Emission Inventory, Modeling and visibility in the Southeast NM and West TX.
- On July 25, 2012 AES was selected by the Tempe Award Program Committee for the 2012 Best of Tempe Awards in Home Inspection Services.
- April 28, 2015, AES presented a paper at AZAEP monthly meeting regarding Air Quality Analyses of the Tonto National Forest.
- Since 2016, AES as the Proctor & Coordinator for IPEP provided AZ applicants with QEP and EPI exams.